On this episode I’m showing you how Production Schedules are used and how to read them. No matter what department you are in the Call Sheet, Shooting Schedule, and One-Liner and what help you prep for the project looking at the day, the week and the whole shoot. n this example I am showing you a call sheet, shooting schedule and one liner for the TV show VEEP episode 703.
Let’s start with the Call Sheet. The call sheet is released about 12-8 hours before the start of the next shooting day. The main purpose is to tell the crew what time to be on set, what time the crew is shooting, the scenes that will be shot and much more.

The top section has information such as the name of the show, the call time, the director, location of the shoot (basecamp), weather and more. The next section shows the scenes that will be shot that day, the cast in the scenes and the location of the shoot. The cast, page count and day/night is also informative for the days shoot.
Next is the stand in, background information and the elements. The elements section calls out the scene numbers and the props, dressing, transport, etc. used in those scenes.
The advanced schedule is on the bottom of the page and tells you what is being shot in the coming days and approximate call times.

The back of the call sheet is a list of everyone working in every department and their own call times. Most of the people who work "Off Production" meaning they are not on set all day have an O/C report time. This means that they report to set when needed and their work hours are not aligned with the "shooting crew".
An additional map page is attached to the call sheet if the crew is shooting on a location. This map tells you where the base camp is, crew parking, the location or locations where you will be shooting that day and where lunch is being served. There are directions from all sides of town and the contact of the location manger is you have any questions.

Shooting Schedule

The shooting schedule is a day by day overview of the cast and the elements arranged by shooting order, not the order of the script.
Between each divider, the information of the cast in the scene, scene number, set name, day or night shot, page count, what shooting day it is. and then notes for individual departments to prep for the scene.

The one liner gives you the full episode or film schedule. Starting with the date it was issued and off of what script draft it was made.
The set name is given then the scenes for that set. You can see that the day and date are given at the end of the day, not the top. Reading from the left it starts with the episode number, scene number, set name(scene synopsis), Day or Night, pages of that scene, the cast in the scene, and the background needed.
Other schedules like the season production schedule, day of days and more give info for the full season and more in-depth background counts for Ad's and wardrobe. These three schedules are what I use was a Set Decorator daily.